data logger is any device that can be used to store data. This includes many data acquisition devices such as plug-in boards or serial communication systems which use a computer as a real time data recording system.

maxresdefaultA data logger can read various types of electrical signals and store the data through internal memory to be later downloaded onto a computer.

Data loggers measure and record electrical parameters over a period of time. They can be used to collect accurate, actionable power consumption and energy performance data for analysis of energy use patterns.  They can verify scheduled controls are working properly over time. When used for machine condition monitoring they provide important information about power consumption that can be invaluable when making decisions about equipment upgrades.

To discover all the benefits of choosing Applied Dynamics for your data logging needs, or to receive a custom quote for our other services, please contact us directly today. Servicing New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine and Rhode Island.